standard deviation |
schedule |
swap |
sample for quality control purpose |
sample |
snowball sampling |
standard unit sampling |
sequential sampling |
stratified sampling |
systematic sampling |
samples pairing |
sliding scale |
semantic scale |
spacing out |
stall |
stewardship |
stationery |
saving |
service economy ; functionnal service economy |
selling |
social listening |
skimming |
shelf facing elasticity |
sponsored programme |
salary |
savings |
sales staff |
salesman kit |
setting up |
stable establishment |
shelf |
spectacular display |
stallkeeper |
standardization |
state |
station |
statement |
standard price statement |
State socialism |
shelf space survey |
spontaneaous recall analysis |
supply side market research |
scoring |
subscription |
stevedore |
set off agreement |
sales increase |
stocking up on request |
space/time buying |
space buyerirtime buyer |
sale |
share |
scheme |
share subscribed and paid out in kind |
share subscribed and paid out in cash |
sales promotion |
shareholder |
shareholders |
sticker |
support |
successful bidder |
sales management |
signs |
store fitting |
sales representative |
stockbroker |
sole agent |
shipping agent |
survey |
surveyor |
sales aid |
seasonal price adjusting |
statistical adjustment |
share capital redemption |
system analysis |
sales analysis |
sequential analysis |
statistical analysis |
sales drive executive |
sales driving |
sales promotion advertisement |
separative approach |
sociological approach |
systems approach |
supply |
supplies |
supplier |
storage |
sales folder |
sales talk |
shipowner |
shipping business |
seizure |
seizure of vessel |
still frame |
statement of account |
stowage |
stower |
special offer (article on) |
special meeting of shareholders |
summons |
salvage |
stocked |
shelter |
selective audience |
secondary audience |
self-insurance |
self-competition |
self-consumption |
self-financing |
self-selection |
self scannning |
shelf extender |
short term loan |
soft advantage |
special garnishment proceedings |
shipchandler |
sponsor |
shelf space allotment |
shelf tape |
side board |
streamer |
stopper |
set of questions |
speciality good |
substitute good |
semi finished good |
superfluous good |
season assessment |
statement of affairs |
social report |
stackable crate |
signature to a blank document |
suggestion box |
short-term note |
sincerity |
stamp trading |
second hand book-seller |
stock exchange |
shop |
stand |
shelf broach |
second-hand market |
sales budget |
sales promotion budget |
sales projection |
snack bar |
station buffet |
sale office |
stamp |
surprise gift |
sales pace |
sales record |
staff executive |
savings institution |
secret funds |
sales promotion schedule |
street peddler |
sales drive |
saturation campaign |
speculative campaign |
self competition |
storage capacity |
share capital market value |
seasonal charasteristic |
statistical data |
swindling |
shortcoming |
selling area (in les Halles) |
smart card |
shade card |
scratch card |
sales agency |
SEPA Card |
shelves |
socioeconomic group |
surety bond |
shell space allotment |
space broker |
shopping centre |
stale cheque |
supply chain |
series of drafts |
sound track |
shopping |
shipper |
shopping trolley |
supply manager |
sales manager |
stack |
selection |
social class |
sliding scale (clause) |
stipulation in restraint of trade |
stockout cost |
standard cost |
stock exchnge commission |
system of visuals |
specific coefficient in a budget |
safety margin |
sample case |
standard order form |
sleeping partner |
shopping area |
small business |
shopping center |
suburban shopping centre |
single line store |
statutory auditor |
sector |
set-off |
single-entry bookkeeping |
statement of income |
statement of operation |
sales report |
salesman contest |
simultaneously |
special terms |
special terms of purchase |
synopsis |
supervisory board |
sales attendant |
sales agent |
schifty consumer |
showy consumption |
sampling inspection |
statistical quality control |
sales contract |
standard contract form |
smuggling |
second appraisal |
seamen's co-operative |
ship's hull |
stock exchange list |
stratum of population |
shoplifting |
supply curve |
sales diagram |
sworn broker |
shipbroker |
ship's agent |
showing |
stock cover |
secured debt |
secured creditor |
short term credit |
seasonal credit |
stand-by credit |
supplier's credit |
spot credit |
selective credit facility |
standard international trade classification (SITC) |
sliding cumulation |
seasonal adjustment |
surplus |
summary statement |
shortage |
stripping |
storage into customs bond |
showy expense |
shift of demand |
shift in supply |
sales drift |
storing |
sustainable development |
sell-by date |
second-hand |
solvent demand |
semi-processed product |
shelf close to check out |
show window |
streaming |
statement of an expert |
sales department |
sole distributor |
specialized distributor |
sampling distribution |
sampling |
selective selling |
sundries |
splitting |
sales literature |
secondary data |
spread |
stall money |
subscription right |
stall dues |
stamp duty |
Soft law |
subsidiary rights |
special drawing rights (SDR) |
stretch of audience |
spillover effect |
slump |
special position |
space at the market |
shelf space dressing |
stuffer |
survey on a subscription basis |
selective survey |
store brand |
storage operator |
self employed entrepreneur |
service undertaking |
supranational enterprise |
structured interview |
semistructured interview |
sociological environment |
shipment |
Sender |
systematic error |
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) |
sketch |
spin-off |
scoop |
survey order of the court |
showroom |
show |
subcontracting |
sales book |
subsidiary company |
screening |
synchronous flow |
secondary product purpose |
satisfaction |
servicing purpose of a product |
stock in trade |
stallholder |
sales force |
size |
standard format |
substandard format |
school and job training |
splitting up (of goods) |
sample splitting |
selling expenses |
smuggler |
swindler |
sales front |
software engineering |
security |
stacking |
SCM : supply chain management |
shelf space management |
shelf strip |
shelf with baskets |
SSM : shared supplies management |
step |
securities chart |
SRM : supplier relationship management |
signature |
specialized supermarket |
sandwich man |
sound image |
sales incentives |
separation of accounting years |
severance pay |
social indicator |
Stock Exchange index |
sales engineer |
sales supervisor |
statutory interest |
social interaction |
statistical interaction |
surfer |
stock taking |
socially responsible investment |
strolling |
start up |
start-up |
supporting document |
seal |
scanning |
stand by letter of credit |
self selection |
self service |
shelf space |
settlement |
settlement date |
smoothing |
subject to litigation |
ship's tackels (delivery under) |
Store locator |
software |
spyware |
supply and demand law |
secondary media |
spontaneous recall |
sharecropper's farm |
sharecropping |
sharecropper |
Starch's rating method |
sampling method |
sale methods |
survey methods |
store |
storage space |
surcharge |
sales agent at the central food market |
short delivery |
sales manual |
stevedoring |
stagnation of business |
security futures market |
spot contract |
spot market |
supply side market |
suppliers reference list |
substitute market |
standard time-work contract |
stock market |
static market |
seller's market |
supplier's rebate |
swing credit |
social marketing |
strategic marketing |
sales kit |
subsidiary trademark |
simple brand name |
sales literature and material |
small size self service store |
special display |
sound mix |
scale model |
slack season |
stock fluctuation |
simple average |
standard of living |
standard |
specification sheet |
specie |
State issued bond |
sales target |
subject |
second hand item |
sponsored by |
self liquidating offer |
sampling offer |
special offer |
stock exchange transaction |
stop |
stop order |
share repurchase public offering |
stock option plan |
stock exchange order |
service order |
straddle order |
salesman's work organization |
seasonal fluctuations |
sales tool |
slack period |
shoddy goods |
stability and growth agreement |
stage of a technique |
shared panel |
shopping basket |
spectacular |
sign |
stamped paper |
storage area |
sponsoring |
served market share |
self-checking - self-scanning |
skin-pack |
subliminal perception |
selective perception |
sensitivity of a market |
small multiple store |
spare part |
seat |
savings plan |
sales planning |
stock option scheme |
small or medium size firm |
small or medium-size industrial undertaking |
service policy |
standard offer |
sampled population |
SEPA Direct debit - SDD |
sales forecast |
salesman |
social pressure |
service |
subsidy |
skim-the-cream pricing |
subscription price |
special sale price |
street price |
settlement price |
support price |
selling price |
selling price to be paid by instalments |
surcharged price |
seasonal price |
supported price |
special selling price |
stable price |
standard price |
standard cost for inventory valuation |
simplified procedures |
staple |
staple goods |
store image |
sundry income |
software package |
sales force programme of action |
sales promoter |
sales-force oriented promotion |
security of tenure |
suppliers canvassing |
shelf rim |
sales stimulation advertising |
solus position advertising |
sporadic advertising schedule |
seasonal advertising |
subliminal advertising |
suggestive advertising |
self-administered questionnaire |
sales quota |
settlement by court order |
state control |
space selling organization |
salesmen's remuneration |
salesmen's job assignment |
showing network |
storeroom |
stock redemption |
surrender value |
share gathering |
space cost adjustment |
short term debt ratio |
spare |
sales decline |
seasonal discount |
space filling |
sale carriage paid |
space option |
specific purchasing power |
supplier's risk |
stall-holder |
shopping street |
seminar |
sequential |
series of programmes |
statistical series |
seasonal factor |
seasonal |
salaried |
salaried employee |
sanction |
safety clause |
story-board |
screenplay |
scenario |
scriptwriter |
scanner |
splitting of a company |
score |
scotch-light |
script |
second choice |
secrecy |
sales area |
secondary sector |
semipublic sector |
segment |
segmented |
segmentation |
selective listing |
shopping week |
sensitive making |
sensitivity |
sales promotion responsiveness |
sensitivity to information |
sensitivity to price |
sense of membership |
sales lead |
service included |
style department |
staff department |
service not included |
sales promotion department |
shopper |
showrooming |
service of general economic interest (SGEI) |
signal |
stimulus |
signalizing |
similarity |
simulation |
statement of assets and liabilities |
slogan |
snack-bar |
society |
semi-public corporation |
state-owned company |
sociocultural |
social model |
sales goods |
special sale |
Social Local Mobile |
solvency |
solvent |
sum |
semi-random sample survey |
secured bond |
sourcing |
sourcing expert |
sub-standard activity |
sub-agent |
sub-order |
sub-supplier |
subtenant |
sub-brand |
specific operation subcontracting |
subcontractor |
specialized |
specialization |
specialist |
specialty |
specification |
specification of duty |
specification of performance |
specimen |
speculator |
speculative |
speculation |
split |
split-charter |
spot light |
spot |
stabilization |
stagflation |
stagnation |
self service station |
statistician |
statistics |
statistical |
status quo |
statutory |
statutes |
stimulating |
stipulation |
stochastic |
stock |
stock in hand |
stocking point |
supply for display purposes |
safety stock |
stock lying idle |
stock build up on production line |
stock option |
speculative inventory |
strategic stockpile |
stocking |
stocking on area unassigned |
stocking by category of items |
sequential access stocking |
stocking on moving conveyors |
stockist |
spotter |
store audit |
strategy |
service strategy |
stratum (p. strata) |
stratification |
structuration |
structure |
studio |
style |
styling |
stylist |
subliminal |
substitution |
subrogation |
substitute goods |
small supermarket |
superette |
surplus dividend |
superstore |
supermarket |
selling floor area |
size of an advertisement |
standing |
suspension of payment |
suspension of an order |
sweepstake |
symbol |
symbolization |
synectics |
synergy |
synthesis |
system |
special sales rack |
suspended shelf |
sales tactics |
sales force strength |
size of a sample |
stub |
service-lead box |
show case |
special rate |
seasonal rate |
separate rating |
subsidized interest rate |
savings ratio |
shortage ratio |
special levy |
sales technician |
sample survey techniques |
sales techniques |
structured interview techniques |
sales territory |
sentence completion test |
Stress test |
Student's test |
semantic differential test |
split run test |
scaling theory |
systems theory |
sales slip |
split run |
securitization |
shooting |
screen |
supplementary phase under conditions |
sales promotion kit |
sample unit |
shipment unit |
sincerity of prices |
session |
scrap value |
stochastic variable |
seasonal variance in prices |
seller |
salesperson |
sale on approval |
short sale |
sale contract with an escalator clause |
selling by subscription |
ship's safe arrival clause (sale contract) |
sale with spread out delivery |
sale at a loss |
sale at a recommended price |
sale at cut price |
sale at index-linked price |
sale with option of repurchase |
sale at market price on delivery |
sale at reduced price |
sale by vending machine |
sale with down payment |
sale with deposit |
sale with returnable containers |
sale with non-returnable containers |
sale at adjustable price |
sale with gift |
sale with no-export clause |
sale with payment on delivery |
sale on estimate basis |
sale on half profits |
sale on consignment |
spot delivery sale |
selling something as is |
self-selection selling |
selling of processed goods |
selling goods tax free |
sale by order of the court |
sale of goods carried by sea |
sale on buyer's saving programme |
sale by auction |
selling against advance payment |
selling by auction |
selling on a subscription basis |
soft selling |
selling for delivery according to sample |
seasonal trading period |
selling branded goods |
sale on sample |
selling against documentary credit |
selling according to an estimate |
selling according to model |
selling according to a plan |
selling according to a type |
sale of goods carried by rail or road |
sale tax included |
selling by presentation of goods |
surprise sale |
SEPA Credit transfer (SCT) |
show-window |
say on pay |
SEO Search engine optimization |
SEA : search engine advertising |
smart retailing |
social network |
social and solidarity economy |
Social and solidarity company |
shell company |
shell company |
shell company |
substitue good |
substitue good |
substitute good |
substitute good |
slow fashion |
social selling |
social commerce |
social commerce |
stablecoin |
sustainable development fund |
share funds |
solidarity financial product |
solidarity svings |
sustainable and solidarity development booklet |
sustainable innovation |
shadow banking system |
shrinkflation |
smart supermarket |
Slumpflation |
SEA - Search Engine Advertising |
Social Ads |